- to不定詞
- in order to
- so as to
- in order that
- so that
- in order to
- so as to
TO不定詞は、「be sure to不定詞」等の注意を呼び掛ける表現で使う構文を除いては否定形にできないので注意してください。
in order to
- In order to keep up its competitiveness in the world, Japan must undertake sweeping deregulation in earnest.
あまり知られていませんが、「in order to」に意味上の主語を置くことができます。
- I stepped aside in order for her to pass.
so as to
「so as to」も「in order to」と同じように使えるのですが、意味上の主語を置けないところが異なります。
in order that
- “We set the meeting for early in the morning, in order that everyone could attend before starting their workday.”
- 「私たちは、皆が仕事を始める前に参加できるように、朝早くに会議を設定しました。」
- “She saves a portion of her salary each month, in order that she can afford a vacation at the end of the year.”
- 「彼女は、年末に休暇を取れるように、毎月給料の一部を貯金しています。」
- “The city council implemented new traffic regulations, in order that the roads would be safer for both drivers and pedestrians.”
- 「市議会は、道路を運転者と歩行者の両方にとってより安全にするために、新しい交通規制を実施しました。」
so that
- English: “I’ll leave the light on so that you can find your way when you come back.”
- Japanese: 「帰ってきたときに道を見つけられるように、電気をつけておきます。」
- English: “He speaks slowly and clearly so that everyone can understand him.”
- Japanese: 「誰もが彼を理解できるように、彼はゆっくりとはっきりと話します。」
- English: “She saved money so that she could buy a new laptop.”
- Japanese: 「彼女は新しいラップトップを買うためにお金を貯めました。」
「so as to」と似て非なる「so 形容詞 as to」
「so 形容詞 as to 動詞」は「~なほど~だ」という意味になります。
The structure “so [adjective] as to [verb]” is used to describe the extent or degree of an action or quality that leads to a particular result or condition. Here are some examples:
1. “The movie was so fascinating as to keep everyone’s attention until the end.”
– (映画はとても魅力的で、終わりまで皆の注意を引きつけた。)
2. “The news was so shocking as to leave her speechless.”
– (そのニュースは彼女を言葉を失わせるほど衝撃的だった。)
3. “The puzzle was so complicated as to confuse even the experts.”
– (そのパズルは専門家でさえも困惑させるほど複雑だった。)
4. “He spoke so softly as to be almost inaudible.”
– (彼はほとんど聞こえないほど静かに話した。)
5. “The instructions were so clear as to make the task simple for everyone.”
– (指示はとても明確で、誰にとってもその作業を簡単にした。)
In these sentences, “so [adjective] as to [verb]” emphasizes the degree of the adjective and its direct effect on the action expressed by the verb.
「so that」と似て非なる「so 形容詞 that」
「so 形容詞 that」も上記と同様に「~なほど~だ」という意味になります。
The structure “so [adjective] that” is used to emphasize the intensity or degree of an adjective and its resulting effect or outcome. Here are some examples:
1. “The soup was so hot that I couldn’t eat it immediately.”
– (そのスープはとても熱かったので、すぐには食べられなかった。)
2. “He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he sat down.”
– (彼はとても疲れていたので、座ったとたんに眠ってしまった。)
3. “The story was so interesting that I read the whole book in one day.”
– (その話はとても面白かったので、1日で全ての本を読んでしまった。)
4. “She was so happy that she couldn’t stop smiling.”
– (彼女はとても幸せで、笑顔を止めることができなかった。)
5. “The music was so loud that we had to shout to hear each other.”
– (音楽がとても大きかったので、お互いに聞こえるように叫ばなければならなかった。)
In these sentences, “so [adjective] that” sets up a cause-and-effect relationship, indicating that because something was [adjective] to such a degree, [effect] happened as a result.